Welcome to Lower Back Pain Alternatives. My name is Darlene. Because of all the Back Pain I’ve had in my life, I’m sure I’ll be able to help you & others.
The purpose of this site is to help others who are suffering with LOWER BACK PAIN. It’s especially for the people who have doctors who don’t seem to be able to help them. The only help their doctors seem to give them is providing them with pharmaceuticals to MASK the PAIN.
Just to let you know, there is a solution to all types of back pain. The hardest part is to find which Back Pain Alternative will work for you. Trust me, there is one out there for you.
My 1st piece of advice, to give you, is Get A Second Opinion if your Doctor doesn’t seem to be helping you. It took me going to 4 different doctors until I got the right diagnosis. If you have time, you can read my story below.
I’ve had some type of Back Pain most of my life. Back in 2010, the pain became unbearable. In fact, it got to a point I needed a walker to walk.
I went to three different doctors. I wasn’t satisfied with what they were telling me. One doctor said I had Osteoporosis & had fractured a vertebra in my spine. When I got home, I checked out they symptoms for that & that wasn’t what I was experiencing.
Another doctor told me I had sprained my hip & back. Again, the symptoms I was having didn’t match up with that of a sprained hip & back.
Then there was the third doctor who couldn’t find anything wrong. All three doctors had taken x-Ray’s. To this day, I will never be able to understand how they could have all come up with a different answer after seeing an ex-ray.
Of course, they all recommended pharmaceuticals. Now, not only did I still have back pain but I was suffering from all the side effects of the pharmaceuticals. Each of the doctors came up with the same solution. The solution was to take pain killers when the pain became intense. For me, that was every 4 hours. I became a clock watcher. I couldn’t wait for my 4 hours to be up so I could take another pain killer.
I tried one more doctor. He diagnosed me with Scoliosis & told me I had been born with it — hence the reason for my back problems all my life. He said it was the Scoliosis that caused the vertebra in my spine to fracture. Apparently, that’s common when you have Scoliosis. He also mentioned that I had Degenerative Disc Disease.
Immediately after getting home, I looked up the symptoms of scoliosis & sure enough it was exactly what I was experiencing. This fourth doctor, with the right diagnosis, said there was really nothing else he could do for me except prescribe pain killers to ease the pain. He also mentioned that there was a good chance I would be in a wheel chair in about a year.
I wasn’t giving up as I wasn’t going to live pushing a walker for the rest of my life or live in a wheel chair. Not if I could help it. I have to admit, I now know the frustrations people go through who have to push a walker around. On the other hand, I’m also grateful for such an invention as I don’t know what I would have done without one.
It took three years to rebuild my bones & to strengthen my muscles & joints but I did it. I did it by doing an immense amount of research & trying different things that others recommended (not pharmaceuticals). It’s been a long time since I’ve taken Pain Killers & I definitely don’t miss the side effects.
This site is to serve several purposes:
■ Help to diagnose your lower back pain and help you find the right answer
■ Provide you with a list of alternatives, to try, to relieve and help heal your lower back pain. (one’s with no side effects)
■ Keep you updated on the latest lower back pain alternatives
■ Provide you with top alternatives that I highly recommend
■ Give you encouragement to NEVER GIVE UP as YOU WILL find the Alternative That Will Work For You.
To start you on the right track, start by reading my Home Page if you haven’t already. If you have, my article on, 5 Steps For Chronic Back Pain Relief is a great place to start as you try one of my Lower Back Pain Alternatives to help heal your back.
Thanks For Stopping By
Darlene B
Founder & CEO
Lower Back Pain Alternatives