To start the healing process, follow my 5 Steps For Chronic Back Pain Relief.
Whether you experience Back Pain once in a while or every day, the following 5 steps are still relevant.
I’ll apologize before you read any further. Much of what I have to say is blunt & to the point but it’s the truth. You might not like it.
It doesn’t matter if your lower back pain is caused by Degenerative Disc Disease, Severe Lower Back Pain, Herniated Disc or anything else, there is some kind of lower back pain alternative that will work for you.
1. The Do’s & Dont’s For Back Pain
2. 5 Steps For Chronic Back Pain Relief
I’ll start with my, Do-Not-Do, list for people with all types of back pain.
1. I’ll tell you why many people suffer most of their lives with all types of Back Pain. They’ll try an alternative for 2 or 3 days or maybe even a week. When they don’t see results, they give up & then you’ll here them say,
“I tried such & such & it didn’t work. What a waste of time & money!”
The above statement just hits the wrong nerve in me, especially if they only tried it for a few days. The worst ones are the ones that give up, and don’t bother trying anything else.
If you have severe back pain, you’re probably not going to see results in a week. Try 30 days. A lot depends on how long you’ve had the back pain & if you’re in pain every day or just once in awhile.
If you try a back pain alternative for a month & don’t see results, then it’s time to try something else. I don’t call that a waste of time or money. It takes you one step further to finding something that will work for you. Call it progress.
So my #1 thing, Not To Do For Back Pain, is Give Up.
2. I’m sorry, but I can’t understand why people just put up with their back pain when they could be living pain-free. What bothers me the most is when I hear the famous words,
“I’ve tried everything & nothing works.”
Well, they haven’t tried everything because they still have back pain.
So my 2nd thing, on what Not To do For Back Pain is, Come Up With Excuses. In other words, Lose The Excuses.
Let’s kick start your recovery with my 5 steps for severe lower back pain. These steps will help the healing process for all types of Back Pain. The 5 steps are crucial while I help you find a back pain alternative that will work for you. Even after your back is healed, continue with these 5 steps to ensure your back remains healthy & strong.
Don’t roll your eyes. Just hear me out. How many times have you heard people say,
“My Back’s Killing Me.”?
Do those same people talk about their back issues every time they see you?
I have a friend who continually complains about her back problems, every time we talk. When I suggest some Lower Back Pain Alternatives, I get the same answer.
“Nothing helps my back. It’s just a waste of time & money.”
Trust me, people don’t want to hear about your back pain continually. There are some people in life you can’t help because they don’t want to be helped. They’d rather spend their time trying to get people to feel sorry for them.
If my friend were right about back pain alternatives being a waste of money, all the companies that sell them would be out of business. In other words, they do work for many people but not everyone.
Think about this. If you bought a hat that looked great on you, would that same hat look great on everyone? No, it wouldn’t. It’s the same with lower back pain alternatives. A particular alternative may work wonders for some people but for you it does absolutely nothing. That’s the purpose of this site — to help you find the alternative that will work FOR YOU.
Negative Talk or Negative Thinking has To Stop!!!! If complaining about your back pain doesn’t help to heal your back, why are you wasting your time? That time could be spent on the internet or reading the articles on my site to find a lower back pain alternative to try.
It’s a proven, Scientific Fact that POSITIVE THINKING plays a BIG role in any type of healing. Whether you believe it or not, our mind does have natural healing abilities. According to News Medical, when it comes to pain, mind over matter does work.
If you continue to think & talk about your sore back, & don’t try alternatives, you’ll spend the rest of your life living in pain. The longer you don’t do anything about your back pain, the worse it’ll become.
All I can do is give you suggestions for alternatives to try. I can’t make you try them. I know you want to live a pain-free life, so let’s continue with, STEP #2.
Yes, water for back pain. If the gel pads in your spinal discs don’t get enough water, your Back Pain will increase. Make sure you’re hydrated at all times. If it’s hard for you to drink 8 cups of water a day, try flavored water. Stevia now comes in fruit flavors. My favorite is Pomegranate. Decaffeinated tea is also good.
■ The jelly-like centers, in the spinal discs of your backbone, are approximately 70% water
■ This water squeezes out of the jell pads throughout the day
■ When you’re sleeping at night, the discs try to soak up the water it lost during the day
■ If you’re not dehydrated, the discs can’t get enough water to recover. Dehydration will prevent healing & cause even more back pain.
Yes, foods for back pain. If you have Back Pain, you have inflammation. It’s vital to cut back on the foods that cause inflammation. I’ve listed the inflammatory foods below.
Inflammation causes numerous health problems, especially degenerative diseases. I’ve also made a list of foods to reduce inflammation in the body.
I hope you have time to read my article on, Ph Balance, Inflammation & Back Pain. PH balance & inflammation is such an important topic when it comes to healing your back.
■ Sugar
■ Dairy
■ Fried Foods
■ Processed Foods
No, you don’t have to cut your favorite foods from your diet completely, but please decrease them as much as possible. I’ve tried this myself & it makes a big difference.
■ Inflammation is one of the root causes of back pain
■ Our diet can either increase or decrease inflammation. In other words, our diets can increase or decrease Back Pain.
■ Fruits
■ Vegetables
■ Plenty of water
For lower back pain relief, following an Alkaline Diet as closely as possible will help decrease the inflammation in your back. The Acid Alkaline Diet is the best one I could find. The link is below.
Back Strengthening Exercises are imperative. It’s also essential to pick an activity you enjoy. My favorite is walking. As far as I’m concerned, it’s one of the best exercises out there.
If it’s something you don’t enjoy, you’ll soon quit. I definitely can’t see myself jogging. That would last for a couple of days & then I’d be coming up with all sorts of excuses not to go.
My two favorite exercises for lower back pain are walking & yoga.
Yoga for lower back pain will provide you with the following benefits:
■ Yoga eases back pain by stretching and strengthening the muscles. My muscles used to tighten up continually or some people say their muscles tie in knots. Yoga stretches those muscles out. I always start my mornings with it.
■ Yoga increases blood circulation to help heal injured tissue.
■ It also maintains the natural curvature in the spine, which is crucial for avoiding back pain.
■ It helps to speed up recovery time.
Yoga is for everyone — Men & Women.
It’s important to exercise, especially for lower back pain. Don’t come up with excuses.
You can start slowly. Even 15 minutes twice a day is good. You can increase your time as you go along.
If you love YOGA as I do, there are all sorts of Yoga Programs on Amazon that are cheap.
Check out Amazon’s,
If you love WALKING, Amazon has lots of DVDs. You could even go outside & walk. That’s FREE.
My favorite DVD’s for walking are by Leslie Sansone. If you don’t like walking outside, she even has one you can use in your house.
Check out Amazon’s
If Yoga or Walking aren’t things you enjoy doing, check out Amazon’s
Come on!!! I’m sure you can find one thing you like.
To Refill the jell pads in the discs of your backbone, you need plenty of sleep each night. It’s crucial for back health.
The jell pads, in the discs of your backbone, lose water continually all day long. When you’re sleeping at night, the jell pads can soak up the water they lost during the day. They’re not going to fill themselves up within 4 hours. They need enough time to recover fully.
Now it’s time to find an alternative to help relieve & heal your Lower back. To do that, go to the doctor with your lower back pain symptoms. Let him make the Diagnosis. Don’t waste your time trying to fix what you think is wrong with your back.
Once your doctor has told you what’s causing your back pain, take a look at my, Back Pain Relief Products. Try one for 30 days. If you don’t see a noticeable improvement, get your money back & try something else. All the products I have listed on this site come with a money back guarantee.
That’s what I did until I found what works for me. It took awhile, but it was worth the wait.
What if the product you try helps a lot but doesn’t completely heal your back? You can do two things. Keep using it & add one more thing or try something completely different.
Everyone is different; It might take two or three things to heal your back. Then again, the first product you try might heal your lower back completely. If you think about it, what’s the difference if you take 1 product or two to live, BACK PAIN-FREE?
Is there anything you do every day to keep your back healthy & strong? Is there anything you do every day to make your chronic back pain a bit more manageable? If there is, please let us know by leaving a comment below.
Thanks for dropping by & reading my article on, 5 Steps For Chronic Back Pain Relief.
Hi Stella,
Thanks for your kind words. Those 5 steps are the steps I always follow. It’s made a big difference in my life. I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed the article.
Bold and informative post I have ever read. Thank you for the great 5 step remedies shared. Thank you for your words on water and sleep. This truly helps.
You’re very welcome. Thanks for visiting, Lower Back Pain Alternatives.
Hi Taylor,
Thanks for stopping & leaving a comment. Eliminating foods that cause inflammation have made a big difference for me. It didn’t heal my back completely but it did lower the pain level considerably. I wish I had known about it a lot earlier.
Really interesting article on some different ways to treat chronic back pain. I actually had no idea that there could be different food types that could actually cause inflammation, like dairy and processed foods. This is good to know really early on, especially if this isn’t a problem for you yet. After all, learning to cut back on those foods and eat them sparingly seems like it could be a great way to try and prevent this.